Mannerisms are a thing as to which a person may get accustomed with over time. It may either be by accident or through observation. Nonetheless, it is somehow a way where people may remember you through this/these action(s), even if it may be odd. It may be a representation of who you are and what people may think about you through first impressions, in instances where it will be the happiest or saddest of times, just so people will remember you the next occasion you meet each other.
these mannerisms are mostly developed at home, where your family is the first
to be on the witness of the scene. They will experience how you got used to the
way you act and speak, but may stay or fade in the longevity of the days,
months and years you have lived with them. Also, not only you but also your
family will have their own special way of gestures that make them unique in their
own way. Furthermore, they show a side of them, either privately in the comfort
of home or through public places how they speak or act in certain situation,
sometimes in the manner of casual conversations or everyday agendas.
my observation, my family has some mannerisms, of most through words that they
have adapted within time. Some of these are not on the course of their own
realization. Others have been influenced by their peers in work or in school.
Here are some of the things I
- My father makes this sound resembling a snap of a finger whenever he gets angry because of our (me and my two brothers) faults or he is dissatisfied – he told me that he got it from his father in times where he was in the same position as we were.
- My brothers like to call our dog numerous names (from what I have listed, it was 17 or 18) – this started when we had her when she was a puppy. Since her young days were sickly (she was sent to the veterinarian twice), both of them would think of names to past the time. Luckily, my dog responds to all of it, though she may get confused but is still happy with the attention she gets.
- My mother would sing in a quiet tone for no reason – I asked her why and she said that she got used to it from the days when she lived in the province and her mother would play the radio. Each time a song is played and it catches her, she would play a CD and put it on rewind endlessly. When it stops, she sings quietly because she’s cautious that someone might notice her. Luckily, no one but me had noticed.