Friday, May 15, 2015


1.       Abate – decrease, subside
2.      Aberrant - exceptional
3.      Abeyance - suspension
4.      Abscond - escape
5.      Abstemious – sober
6.      Admonish - reprimand
7.      Adulterate- contaminate
8.      Aesthetic - beauty
9.      Aggregate - add
10.   Alacrity - obligingness
11.    Alleviate - lessen
12.   Amalgamate - combine
13.   Ambiguous - obscure
14.   Ambivalence - simultaneous
15.   Ameliorate - tolerable
16.   Anachronism - chronological
17.   Analogous – similar
18.   Anomalous – unusual
19.   Antipathy - antagonism
20.  Apathy - impassiveness
21.   Appease -  to calm
22.  Apprise – tell
23.  Approbation - approval
24.  Appropriate - fitting
25.  Arduous - strenuous
26.  Artless - genuine
27.  Ascetic -  simple in appearance
28.  Assiduous - busy
29.  Assuage - relieve
30.  Attenuate - weaken
31.   Audacious – bold-faced, cocky
32.  Austere – simple, plain
33.  Autonomous - independent
34.  Aver - affirm
35.  Banal - ordinary
36.  Belie - misrepresent
37.  Beneficent – kind-hearted, sympathetic
38.  Bolster – support
39.  Bombastic – brag
40. Boorish - clownish
41.   Burgeon - sprout
42.  Burnish – shine, polish
43.  Buttress – to strengthen
44. Cacophonous -  harsh
45.  Capricious - impulsive
46. Castigation – harsh crticism
47.  Catalyst – a person that quickly causes change or action
48. Caustic – harsh, critical
49. Chicanery - trickery
50.  Coagulate – to thicken and partly solid
51.   Coda – an ending part of a musical piece
52.  Cogent - convincing
53.  Commensurate - proportional
54.  Compendium - compilation
55.  Complaisant – to please or oblige
56.  Compliant - obedient
57.  Conciliatory - appease
58.  Condone - blameworthy
59.  Confound - confuse
60. Connoisseur – expert
61.   Cumbersome -  troublesome
62.  Debilitate - weaken
63.  Decorum – orderliness
64. Deduce –to use logical reason for conclusion
65.  Déjà vu –the illusion of remembering  that has happened
66. Deify - worship
67.  Delectable – attractive
68. Demure - modest
69. Deplorable - despicable
70.  Dialectic – to discuss opposing ideas in finding the truth
71.   Dichotomy – division of two
72.  Eclectic - assorted
73.  Eccentric - lively
74.  Elicit - evoke
75.  Elusive - evasive
76.  Emanate - release
77.  Enigmatic - mysterious
78.  En masse -  all together
79.  Endemic - widespread
80. Eradicate - abolish
81.   Evasive - dishonest
82.  Faux Pas - blunder
83.  Fiasco - failure
84. Futility - uselessness
85.  Fortuitous  - by chance
86. Formidable - powerful
87.  Fractious - quarrelsome
88. Funereal – suggesting a funeral
89. Fledging – to develop feathers for flying
90. Fidelity - loyalty
91.   Flippant –lacking prospect
92.  Galvanize - spur
93.  Gamut ­– range, length
94. Gargantuan - huge
95.  Globular – a tiny ball of something
96. Gormandize -  devour
97.  Grandeur = ostentatious, grand
98. Gradation – a small difference bet. two points
99. Gregarious - associate
100.          Gratuitous – not necessary or appropriate
101.            Halcyon - peaceful
102.           Haphazard – having no plan
103.           Hapless - unfortunate
104.          Herculean – of extraordinary power
105.           Hiatus – definite stop
106.          Ignoble - dishonorable
107.           Ignominious -  degrading
108.          Illicit - unlawful
109.          Impasse - deadlock
110.            Impertinent – lacking respect
111.        Jocular – liking to tell jokes
112.Jettison – to drop
113.Jejune – too simple
114.            Juxtapose – to place things in order to create an interesting effect
115.Jingoistic - chauvinistic
116.            Kibosh – something that serves as a check or stop
117.       Kinetic – relating to physical movement
118.            Kudos – to congratulate
119.            Keynote - important
120.           Kinesiology – study of principles related to human movement
121.Laconic - concise
122.           Laggard - slow
123.           Lascivious - lustful
124.           Latent - inactive
125.           Lethargic – lack of energy
126.           Levity - silliness
127.           Liaison – affinity, association
128.           Loquacious - talkative
129.           Ludicrous - ridiculous
130.           Lucid – able to think clearly
131.Malignant – very serious and dangerous
132.           Maniacal – affected with madness
133.           Masticate – to chew food
134.           Maverick - heterodox
135.           Mawkish –sad or romantic in a foolish way
136.           Megalomania – a mental illness that makes people think that they are of great importance
137.           Mendacious – based on lies, dishonest
138.           Mesmerize – to amaze
139.           Misconstrue - misinterpret
140.          Mnemonic – something that helps people to remember
141.            Narcissistic – to show ego
142.           Narcolepsy -  a medical condition that tends people to sleep suddenly
143.           Nascent – beginning to exist
144.          Nefarious - immoral
145.           Ne plus ultra – the highest point of being attained
146.          Noblesse Oblige -  the idea that the rich should help the poor or lower class
147.           Nocturnal - awake at night
148.          Nom de guerre -  pseudonym
149.          Nonchalance – unconcern, cool
150.           Non sequitur – a statement that is not connected in a logical way
151.Oblivious - unaware
152.           Obsequious – too eager to help someone important
153.           Obsolete – no longer used by anyone
154.           Onus - burden
155.           Optimal – the most effective
156.           Opus – an important work
157.           Onerous – difficult to deal with
158.           Ostensibly -  apparent
159.           Ostracize – to exclude from a group
160.          Onomatopoeia – the creation of words that imitate natural sounds
161.            Pacify – to calm someone who is angry
162.           Pandemic – an occurrence when a disease spreads quickly
163.           Paradigm - idea
164.          Paragon – an example to copy
165.           Paroxysm – a strong feeling that cannot be controlled
166.          Paucity - fewness
167.           Peccadillo – a small mistake that is not considered as serious
168.          Pedantic – a person who corrects errors and gives attention to minor detail
169.          Penultimate – next to the last
170.           Perennial – happening again and again
171.       Perpetuate – to cause that has stopped to continue
172.           Peruse – to examine or read
173.           Pervasive – spreading to all parts
174.           Picayune - petty
175.           Pinnacle – the most important part of something
176.           Placid - complacent
177.           Platonic – having a close relationship without the idea of romance
178.           Plethora – a large amount of number
179.           Polarize - concentrate
180.          Polemics – a strong written opinion against someone’s belief or practice
181.            Portend - signify
182.           Posit - suggest
183.           Potable – safe to drink
184.          Pragmatic – dealing with problems in an ideal way
185.           Precarious - uncertain
186.          Precedent - prior
187.           Precocious – early, premature
188.          Preemptive – done to stop an action that is unwanted
189.          Pretense – a false explanation used to hide the real intention
190.          Primordial – primeval
191.            Pristine – very good
192.           Prodigal – wasteful on money
193.           Procrastinate – to be slow or late in something that should be done
194.          Proliferate - multiply
195.           Promiscuity - indiscriminate
196.          Protégé – a person who is intended for training
197.           Protocol -  rule
198.          Proverbial – widely known
199.          Prudent - judicious
200.         Pulchritude – physical comeliness
201.           Raconteur – someone who is good at telling stories
202.          Raillery - banter
203.          Raiment – clothing, garments
204.         Raison d’être – reason or justification of existence
205.          Rambunctious - unruly
206.         Ramification - offshoot
207.          Rancor – an angry feeling of hatred or dislike to who has treated you unfairly
208.         Rapacity – the urge to want something more
209.         Rapprochement – fellowship
210.           Ratiocinate - reason
211.Recalcitrant – stubborn to order rules
212.           Recant - renounce
213.           Recapitulate - summarize
214.           Reciprocity – a reciprocal agreement
215.           Recriminate – an accusation made out of hate
216.           Rectitude - righteousness
217.           Redact – to put in writing
218.           Redolent - aromatic
219.           Reflexive – happening or done without thinking as a reaction to something
220.          Rejoinder – an angry reply
221.           Salacious – relating to sex that is excessive or offensive
222.          Salient - noticeable
223.          Salubrious - healthful
224.          Sangfroid – the ability to stay calm in difficult situations
225.          Sapient - wise
226.          Sardonic - sarcastic
227.          Sartorial – of or relating to clothes
228.          Satiety – a condition of being full after eating
229.          Saturnine -
230.          Satyr – philanderer, womanizer
231.           Savoir faire - tact
232.          Scintilla – a small amount of something
233.          Scion – a person who is born into a rich family
234.          Secular – not religious
235.          Sedentary – settled in one place
236.          Serendipity – luck that takes the form of finding valuable or pleasant things that are not looked for
237.          Sinecure -  a job in which someone is paid to do for little or no work
238.          Sojourn – a period of time where you stay as a guest
239.          Spurious - false
240.         Supercilious - haughty
241.           Tabula Rasa – something that is existing in its original pristine state
242.          Taciturn – not tending to speak frequently
243.          Tangential - digressive
244.         Tantamount – equal to something in value, meaning or effect
245.          Tautology – a statement in which you repeat a word or idea that is not necessary
246.         Teleological – exhibiting or relating to design or purpose especially in nature
247.          Temerity - recklessness
248.         Temper – to make something less extreme
249.         Tempestuous - stormy
250.          Tenet – a belief or idea that is important to a group
251.           Tendentious - biased
252.          Tenacious – continuing for a long time
253.          Tete-a-tete – a private conversation bet. two people
254.          Thaumaturge – miracle
255.          Titular – having an important or impressive title
256.          Toothsome -  having a pleasing taste
257.          Tractable - malleable
258.          Transient – staying somewhere for a short time
259.          Tryst – a secret meeting place for lovers
260.         Tumid – swollen
261.           Ubiquitous – seeming to be seen everywhere
262.          Umbrage – a feeling of being offended after what someone has said or done
263.          Unassuming - modest
264.         Unbridled – to set loose
265.          Unceremonious – rude
266.         Unctuous – used to describe someone who sounds polite but obviously not sincere
267.          Ungainly - clumsy
268.         Unilateral – involving one group or country
269.         Unimpeachable – cannot be ousted
270.          Unsavory - unsatisfying
271.           Vacuous – having or showing lack of intelligence
272.          Vagary – an unpredictable action
273.          Vainglorious – having or showing too much pride in your abilities or intelligence
274.          Vapid – dull, boring
275.          Vanguard – the group of leaders who take action in a society or government
276.          Vehement – showing strong or angry feelings
277.          Venal - bribable
278.          Venial – not serious
279.          Veracity – truth or accuracy
280.         Verdant – green with growing plants
281.           Vers libre – poetry that does not rhyme
282.          Vignette – a short written description
283.          Vociferous – expressing opinion in a loud way
284.         Wanderlust – a strong desire to travel
285.          Wane – decrease in size
286.         Wanton – not limited or controlled
287.          Watershed – a time when an important change happens
288.         Wayfaring -traveling on foot
289.         Weltschmerz – a mood of sentimental sadness
290.         Wherewithal – the money, skill, etc. needed to do something
291.           Xanadu – an exotic or luxurious place
292.          Xenophile – one attracted to foreign things
293.          Xenophobic – one’s fear of foreign things or of people
294.         Yahoo – a person who is rude or stupid
295.          Yawnful - causing or arousing yawns
296.         Za-zen -meditation in a prescribed, cross-legged posture
297.          Zeitgeist – the beliefs of a time or place
298.         Zest – a feeling of excitement
299.         Zenith – the most successful period of time
300.         Yammer – to talk in an annoying way for a long time

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